The Science of Face Reading
Your face reveals everything.
Different techniques of Face Reading have been practiced around the world for thousands of years across the world. Today, science is finally catching up to provide explanations behind what Face Reading has known all along; our face reveals everything about us. Garnering the knowledge to face read enables you to see yourself, and others, with clarity and with more understanding.
Our unique lines, markings and colorations, our micro-expressions and gestures, even changes to our face can be read as a status report on our inner- and outer- physical, emotional and mental conditions.
Eric fluidly merges these face reading techniques from across the globe so that he can holistically understand, and accurately read faces across all cultural and ethnic divides.
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What Can Be Read?
Illness, nutritional and mineral deficiencies, the level of your physical resilience and strength, show visible signs on the face. Learn how to use this information as a roadmap to recovery and achieve personal health goals.
Proper nutrition is a basic building block to stay healthy and fit. Yet, nutritional needs can vary person to person. Learn to identify the signs on your face such as swelling, skin problems and wrinkles that indicate deficiencies in your diet. Through face reading, you can optimize your life with the right foods that work best for you.
By analyzing the structure of a face, you discover the true personality, character, preferences and abilities. Use this knowledge to better recognize yourself, as well as to better understand another person's thinking, behavior and needs.
Love matters. It's an invaluable experience that fills us with inspiration and life. However, it's not easy to identify who the right partner is for you. Employing face reading techniques, you can look behind the fog of superficial features to clearly see the individual within.
Coupled up? The faces of a couple, close together, can also reveal much. Even a photo can reveal whether the couple has a deep affection for each other, or are just good friends.
How do I find the right job for me? What hidden talents do I have that can help me truly succeed? The face can provide helpful information about how a person works, deals with money and leads others. Those who clearly understand their own strengths and weaknesses have an upper hand in achieving success in a way that feels fulfilling and "right."
Life Purpose
A central theme in a human life is to fulfill one's life work and what that means for the individual as well as society. Everyone has talents that want to be discovered and lived out. If this happens, we are steadily approaching our life tasks. We gain satisfaction and joy through what we are and do. So a job can become a vocation. The face gives information about our life tasks and opens the view to a happy future.
This session provides an overview of many specific points that shed light on your personal life story. For example, turning points in your past, the present, and possibly your future. To determine and design this yourself. That should be your goal. But which is your goal in life? Learn how your life could unfold. What fate is yours?
Tools of Diagnosis
Facial Diagnosis
Health, Illness, Nutrition, Mental Wellbeing
Nothing happens inside the body that is not reflected on the outside. The face reflects the physical and mental state of its owner. In fact, the face show unequivocal signs of disease and any deficiencies often long before they manifest in the body and cause discomfort and pain. The skin also shows signs as you get older: spots, shadows, wrinkles... these signs give the wearer a distinctive profile and reveal aspects of their mental attitude, their lifestyle, and signs for future conditions. Understanding these signs can be the first step to curing disease.
Personality, Abilities, Talents
The term Physiognomy derives from the Greek word ‘Physis’ meaning body and ‘Gnoma’ meaning indicator. It is the reading of a person based on their physical appearance, especially the face. This discipline of face reading is the perfect tool to understand the personality of someone. It can be further employed to identify a person's inherent talents including those hidden.
A lot of people end up living each day frustrated, disappointed, melancholic or even aggressive because they are not living their talents. There is a disconnect between their authenticity and core ideals with how they are living their day-to-day. The face is able to show whether an individual is living life in a way that he thinks and feels make him authentic. Facial expressions and gestures are also combined in the reading as they reveal much about the individual’s emotional state.
Siang Mien
Disease & Illness, Deeper Thoughts & Intentions, Life Purpose, Destiny
This discipline from the East literally translates to face (Mien) and Reading (Shiang). In China, the ability to read the face is treated not as art or technique, but as a science. Used since ancient times to address the wide range of human conditions, Siang Mien covers not just physical and mental conditions but also personality, character, and even the fate of a person. Fate, or destiny can mean choice, a fork in the road of your life where decisions have to be made. For Chinese face readers, a person is never a victim of their own destiny but one to give life to the body. Siang Mien can also be effective in seeing the feelings, thoughts and intentions of individuals. Looking closely, we can know a person, if they wish. The face, as they say, has always been a reflection of the human soul!
Lie Detection, True Feelings & Thoughts, Hidden Emotions
When people try to hide their emotions, even when they repress them subconsciously, a very quick facial expression occurs that is almost invisible to the naked eye. Being able to see these micro-expressions allows us to detect deception and lies, to calm a person or even say the appropriate words in the right moment. Despite efforts made to hide any sign of true emotion, it is possible to catch a fragment of an expression that's easily recognizable to the trained eye. These split-second changes of the face also occur even when an emotion is just starting to enter the conscience. Due to the visual differences of human beings, not all people reach the same level of ability to detect these micro- facial expressions. This knowledge has numerous applications.
Body Language
The Little Brother of Face Reading
Face Reading is the ultimate tool for seeing and understanding more about yourself and others however, it does have a “little brother” that's more well known - Body Language. This important aspect of non-verbal communication consists of body posture and gestures, and can often communicate what we really mean even as we speak differently.
Noticing the signals that people send out with their body language is a very useful social skill, and complements the knowledge of facial expressions and eye movements. If you want to know what lies behind another's movements or wish to communicate and connect well with others, learning the language of the body is a useful skill that everyone can learn. After all, actions are louder than words.
History of Face Reading
Greece / 460 BC ~
Evidence shows other civilizations used face reading techniques such as Hippocrates of Cos of Greece who wrote an extensive treatise on observations of the face of the dying and dead. The Greeks were more interested in understanding the personality of a person. Only a part of this knowledge remains today.

China / 2,000 BC ~
Considered the doctors and advisors of their time, Master Face Readers used their techniques to recognize deficiencies and diseases as well as analyze the personality, character, life purpose and destiny of an individual. These masters of Siang Mien were hired by nobility to give them a competitive edge in retaining power and to guide them in achieving their life goals. The knowledge was guarded closely amongst the inner circle and not documented until later in Face Reading history.
Europe / 1400 ~ 1900
Swiss physician Philippus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493-1541), later known as Paracelsus, develops a new branch of medicine based on his conclusion that the condition of the body within, produces visible signs that show themselves on the outside of the body. He also discusses how a person’s appearance directly relates to their mental condition.
Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler (1821-1898) develops a novel therapy for the treatment of many diseases based on cataloguing the different skin colors that appear in specific areas of the face. The skin color and area can indicate deficiencies of specific minerals in the body, which could then be tied to diseases that are associated with that deficiency.
China / 2,000 BC ~
Considered the doctors and advisors of their time, Master Face Readers used their techniques to recognize deficiencies and diseases as well as analyze the personality, character, life purpose and destiny of an individual. These masters of Siang Mien were hired by nobility to give them a competitive edge in retaining power and to guide them in achieving their life goals. The knowledge was guarded closely amongst the inner circle and not documented until later in Face Reading history.
Greece / 460 BC ~
Evidence shows other civilizations used face reading techniques such as Hippocrates of Cos of Greece who wrote an extensive treatise on observations of the face of the dying and dead. The Greeks were more interested in understanding the personality of a person. Only a part of this knowledge remains today.
Europe / 1400 ~ 1900
Swiss physician Philippus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493-1541), later known as Paracelsus, develops a new branch of medicine based on his conclusion that the condition of the body within, produces visible signs that show themselves on the outside of the body. He also discusses how a person’s appearance directly relates to their mental condition.
Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler (1821-1898) develops a novel therapy for the treatment of many diseases based on cataloguing the different skin colors that appear in specific areas of the face. The skin color and area can indicate deficiencies of specific minerals in the body, which could then be tied to diseases that are associated with that deficiency.